Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking itinerary 2024|2025|2026

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking Tours itinerary 2024|2025|2025

Fulfill a dream – climbing up the highest and most famous summit in Tanzania. Mount Kilimanjaro stands almost 6000 meters above sea level, but one does not need to be an experienced mountain climber to reach its peak. To climb to the summit of Kilimanjaro, you need to be in a fit and healthy state with a good all-round condition, strong will power and a little bit of luck. All you really need is the ambition – we will do the rest.
To join one of our Mount Kilimanjaro trekking excursions, you do not need to be the fittest person in your town, nor do you need expertise with mountain climbing or advanced trekking. However, you must have completed some fitness training beforehand.
We are convinced that we offer a Kilimanjaro climb package tour that is suited for everyone, with durations ranging from 5 to 9 days.
Each excursion will allow you to appreciate breathtaking panoramas and the expanse of the surrounding area, as well as the opportunity to see rare animals along the way.
Kilimanjaro’s topography is incredibly varied, and our treks will take you through various habitats. As we climb higher, the lower slopes of banana plantations and dense rainforest give way to heath and moorland before reaching the granite moonscapes of Kibo Peak.