Food And Drinks During Kilimanjaro Climb

Below are typical foods from our standard menu that you can expect to eat during your climb:

Eggs, sausages, bacon, French toast/pancakes, bread/toast, cereal/porridge, fruit. Margarine, jam, honey, peanut butter. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, fruit juice.

Carrot and cucumber strips, avocado slices, boiled eggs, chicken, meat cutlets, sandwiches (egg, cheese, tomato, meat, tuna, or peanut butter), fruit. Meat sauce and bread.

Soup of the day, bread, salad, meat/chicken/fish, rice/pasta/potatoes, vegetables, lentils, fruit. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate

Peanuts, popcorn, crisps, cookies.

Please let us know when booking if you have any special dietary requests or allergies, as we are happy to cater to your needs!

Midnight Snack on Summit Night:

Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, biscuits, orange squash or soup
It is also recommended that you bring some of your own trail snacks to eat, especially for your summit night. Anything lightweight and low-calorie is good, and energy or granola bars, chocolate, candy, cookies, crackers, nuts, and dried fruit are all popular choices. Be sure to choose things that you really like, because you'll need extra incentive to keep eating if you find your appetite decreasing at high altitude. Adding drink crystals such as Gatorade, Crystal Light, or Tang to one of your water bottles may also encourage you to consume extra fluids, and they often taste especially delicious on a hard day of hiking!